With its truly unique coloration, the Blue Laced Red Wyandotte will bring beautiful diversity to your flock! Their feathers are typically buff to red laced with light to dark gray. However, the blue coloration does not always breed true, and you may get chicks with blue, black, or even splash coloration.
Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size: Medium - Large
Production: 4 - 6 Eggs/Week
Personality: Calm, Gentle
Broody: Occasionally
Hardiness: All Climates
Adult Coloration: Buff or Red with Blue/Black/Splash
Adult Size: 9.5 lbs.
Purpose: Dual
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
If a chick dies within 48 hours of being picked up, we will provide a refund or a replacement chick, if one is available. Chicks cannot be returned to the store in the interest of biosecurity.